Dat's right ladies and gents,yours truly will be assisting 10 parent/kid teams in making MAGIC from a big pile of old bikes/parts. This will be made possible by the wonderful people at the Silverton Art Association http://silvertonarts.org/ ,Sylvia,Moises,and volunteers. We will be making bolt together choppers and trykipedes AND a combined class project will be a steering wheel tallbike !!!! YEEEEHAWWWWW !!!!!!!! Each team will be taking home a chopper or trykipede that they built THEMSELVES,and the tallbike will be the grand prize for a raffle at the art fair !!!!! How cool is that !!! This is like a dream come true for me,freakbikin' just seems to be a PERFECT activity for family participation
and FUN !!!! Both the parents and the kids can learn so much and everyone will benefit from working toward a common goal. I hope that for some this class will be the spark to light the fire of a life long passion for biking AND art !!! The class will start on June 21st ( 1pm to 8pm ) and last for 5 days,maybe longer as I intend to work with each team to make sure their projects turn out well and function properly. That dude you see riding the tallbike INDOORS is Cayman " lightnin' " Goin,he is my niece Chelseas son,he is a great guy and has the "Right Stuff " to be an excellent new generation freakbiker. Also the kids and I are going to ride the finished project bikes in the Homer Davenport Days parade !!! Very cool !!!!!! I haven't ridden in a parade since 1967 in Cottage Grove,Oregon,the town where my mom popped me out !!!! This is gonna' be GREAT !!!!!!!! NOTE : the trykipedes we will be building may be different from the ones shown here,call or E-mail me ( Robert Stapleton ) with any questions you may have. 503-232-1131 , http://omahgarsh@gmail.com
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